We have records to show that the Lebanon Presbyterian Church was first organized on May 12, 1889; but we don't have records that show just when the Ladies organized. We do however have a check that was written on April 16, 1912 on the State Bank of Lebanon to E. L. DeVoe for $10.00 for a furnace and then on April 16 a check for $35.00 to D. F. Schwab for the minister's salary. But I'm sure by this time the women had been organized for some time. Through the years the Women of the Presbyterian Church of Lebanon have been a very active part of the church and have saved the church from folding up many times. They served banquets, dinners, lunches for auctions, wedding receptions, they quilted, made aprons, handkerchiefs, they sold food, held bazaars, annual dinners, craft shows, they put on plays, sponsored talent shows. In later years we have our annual Lords Acrd Day with a noon meal followed by an auction of Baked goods craft items and ever popular German Sweet Chocolate Cakes. The Women have done many things to raise money for mission funding, orphanages, the needy of the U.S.A. and overseas. All this along with giving so much every year to help the church pay its expenses. In early years after the manse was built the ladies of the church bought paint and paper and rugs they paid the electricity to keep the manse going. We have had lots of secretaries reports that are very interesting to read because it gives a real good idea about the history and growth of the church. In the early reports there were lots of meetings with between 50 and 60 ladies in attendance, and they usually met twice a month and always had a quilt or two in the frames to work on. Or they made handkerchiefs for sale, they also sewed rags for rugs and various other things. They were very sincere about the worship service and the caring for the needy, someone was always worse off then yourself. These meetings were also the social event of their lives as there were no radios, movies, or television in the early 1900's. Lebanon itself was a much larger town than it is today and the countryside had a lot more farmers. The first written secretary report we have is Jan. 15, 1920 and they met with Susan Horton with 8 members and 1 guest present. They had election of officers that day and elected as follows: Pres. Etta Johnson, V. Pres. Melissa DeVoe, Sect. Martha Koonz. V. Sect. Roxanna Robinson, Treas. Anna Pennington. In the record book they have listed 36 members in 1920 and in 1924 there were 41 members on the list. In 1923 the Presbyterian Women bought from Ingram and Son of Lebanon 8 doz. 7" plates, 8 doz 4" plates, plus cups and saucers, platters, knives, forks, spoons, bowls all this added up to $88.35 this included the design on the plates and platters and cups plus the design on the silverware. These old sect. books will be on display and you might find them interesting especially in the back of the early one is a list of all the members and their dues. For years the women group was called Mission Circle the Presbyterian Mission Circle, Naomi Circle, Ruth Circle, Women's Association and now we are Women of the Church. Today's officers are: moderator Neva North, V moderator Ruth Ruff, Sect. Myrtle Puller, Treas. Virginia Grafton, sewing chairperson, Blv Ruff and Mission year Book of Prayer chairperson is Emma Aguinaldo. We don't have many members but we have a lot of outside support so that when we serve funeral dinners and church dinners we have a lot of good help. We held a Mother-Daughter banquet several years and it was a huge success. We had several tasting teas, craft shows and one year we served a complete Seder Supper. The ladies support National Missions Foreign Missions as well as our local mission projects. We no longer quilt that art form is making a come back and who knows maybe in the next 100 years it fill he back in the church basement. Nor do we make handkerchiefs and it is doubtful that that will ever make a come back. The ladies of the church wish the Lebanon Community Presbyterian Church another 100 years under Gods watchful care.

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